
Note: You can skip this part of the guide if you have a wired connection.

  1. Run iwctl
  2. Find your device: device list
  3. Scan for networks: station <DEVICE> scan
  4. List all scanned networks: station <DEVICE> get-networks
  5. Connect to your network: station <DEVICE> connect <NETWORK_SSID>
  6. Enter the network passphrase
  7. Quit iwctl: quit
  8. ping archlinux.org
    • If everything went well, you should see ping responses indicating you have an internet connection


General troubleshooting information can be found on the archwiki

Operation failed when trying to connect

Running journalctl -u iwd gives you information about what has gone wrong.

Recieved Deauthentication event, reason: 2, from_ap: true

If you are encountering this issue you can follow these steps:

  1. Create or open the iwd config file: vim /etc/iwd/main.conf
  2. Add:
  3. Save and quit: :wq
  4. Restart iwd: systemctl restart iwd.service
  5. Try connecting again